I’m referring to this column by Tim Tyson, winner of the last year’s UNC Summer Reading Program sweepstakes, in today’s News & Observer. Here are several choice selections:
Rape is one of the deepest and most vicious ways that human beings deny their common humanity. Racism is another. These crimes are intertwined deeply in our history…
Racism isn’t a crime. And even if it was, it’s nowhere near the same level as rape ? despite what the leftists at Duke seem to think. For crying out loud.
.. regardless of the fog around that question, other matters remain clear. Young white men of privilege deployed their unearned affluence to hire black women to provide live pornography. This is only partly a free market, where people choose to buy and sell themselves. It is also a slave market, where an enduring racial caste system placed those women in a vulnerable position.
Away with the “fog around the question” of rape. Bring on the fog of academic Marxism! Ho-ho, the free market is really a slave market where people choose to buy and sell themselves! “Freedom is slavery!” Is this guy for real?
You realize, of course, that if black football players at Duke had raped a white stripper, this guy and people who think like him would still be taking this approach. Only then they’d be blaming America for a “string of broken promises” for causing their “black rage” or making some other silly stab to turn the outrage over a horrible crime into outrage against free-market capitalism and what Reagan and Lincoln called “this, the last, best hope of man on earth.”
One of the women has small children and is trying to put herself through N.C. Central University. Our society has chosen to withhold support from people who seek to improve their lot.
That’s total bulls[ca]t. I take it that the N&O declined to edit this submission.
The spirit of the lynch mob lived in that house on Buchanan Boulevard, regardless of the truth of the most serious charges.
Yes, amazingly he wrote that ? “regardless of the truth.” It’s another sign of the leftist mentality to jump on an allegation and ride it for all the political points it’s worth, and if it turns out to be untrue, justify the lie and the societal unrest it caused by talking about how the lie “tells essential truths” or say “certain lies are good.” They might as well say, “Wham, bam, thank you, scam.”
It matters, of course, what happened. But the dynamics of race, power and violence that have marred our history remain with us. When the men of one group have most of the power and privilege and see themselves as above the law, that will always be a recipe for abusive relationships with women from other groups, sometimes physically violent, more often spiritually violent.
No, the “dynamic” that matters is whether that young woman was gang raped, and if so, by whom. All the rest of this is a sick exercise to make cheap political gain on the suffering of others ? to turn these individuals into groups and thereby to damn the society at large. Of course, there’s also Tyson’s rather silly bit of pretending to know what the lacrosse players thought (“see themselves above the law” ? and presumably we’re in “regardless of the truth” territory yet again).
What baffles me is that young men who have had available to them the finest liberal arts education that money can buy have managed not to learn its highest lessons.
Speaking of, I find it equally baffling that the university offering “the finest liberal arts education money can buy” employs the man responsible for this transparent Marxist twaddle. Let us review things as they stand. What has been alleged is that a young woman employed as a stripper was raped by several drunk athletes, a horrible act. Our author here refers to the following in the sloppy pretense of writing about it:
? “slave market”
? “enduring racial caste”
? “society ? withhold[ing] support from people who seek to improve their lot”
? “the gap between rich and poor”
? “blackface and ? minstrel humor”
? “lynch mob”
This isn’t a column about a horrific gang rape; it is a horrid column using the idea of a horrific gang rape to condemn American society and foster greater societal and racial unrest.
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