I adore this keen parody à la The Canterbury Tales of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s baffling pronouncement in favor of Sharia Law in England, and not just because I am one to spoof in the voice of Geoffrey C. et al. myself.

Herewith a choice snippet from Iowahawk’s “The Tale of the Asse-Hatte“:

Sayeth the pilgryms to Bishop Rowan,
“Father, we do not like howe thynges are goin’.
You know we are as Lefte as thee,
But of layte have beyn chaunced to see
From Edinburgh to London-towne
The Musslemans in burnoose gowne
Who beat theyr ownselfs with theyr knyves
Than goon home and beat theyr wyves
And slaye theyr daughtyrs in honour killlynge
Howe do we stoppe the bloode fromme spillynge?”

The Bishop sipped upon hys tea
And sayed, “an open mind must we
Keep, for know thee well the Mussel-man
Has hys own laws for hys own clan
So question not hys Muslim reason
And presaerve ye well social cohesion.”

Sayth the libertine, “’tis well and goode
But sharia goes now where nae it should;
I liketh bigge buttes and I cannot lye,
You othere faelows can’t denye,
But the council closed my wenching pub,
To please the Imams, aye thaere’s the rub.”