I think if I’d had Salman Khan as my math teacher in 9th grade I’d have had a much easier time. I just went through his first three lessons in algebra and it seems much clearer than my teacher in 9th grade, John Henry Stamm, made it seem.

Something clearly is happening in education at all levels. Homeschooling is on the rise, people are clamoring for charters, and now some guy in Silicon Valley quits his job and starts giving instruction online — for free — at Khan Academy. Maybe at some point Khan can monetize his efforts, but, until then, I guess he can live off his wife’s salary.

I got the link to the story on Khan “>from Instapundit, who, coincidentally, wrote a column Sunday wondering if the higher education bubble may be about to burst.

Could Khan be the one who shows how inexpensively quality instruction can be had online?