What message would be given if the word was spread that Americans fed up with taxes and government power grabs were going to convene a rally at the nation’s capital, and only 500 people showed up? I’d much rather see one big traffic jam from Trenton to Harrisburg to Richmond. Of course, the big people will say they can’t see us, but they’ll know they’re lying. Please consider joining one of the last and greatest peaceful demonstrations on the mall. Rumors are circulating that the well-behaved masses who showed up for the last Tea Party, though invisible, caused such a stir, legislation is in the pipeline to outlaw future gatherings at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. This is a tad hard to believe, since the president’s inauguration was such a splash.

Anyway, Americans for Prosperity is offering several packages, running around a couple hundred dollars per person, for transportation, overnight accommodations, and lots of opportunities to network, including a free-market job fair. You stand a good chance to actually get to the mall with one of these packages. Glenn Beck, who booked the mall for the event, is offering ride coordination through his site. He’ll help people with buses navigate the bureaucracy, help people hire a bus, or help individuals find a seat.

Today, We the People and Freedom Works announced a bare bones package that leaves from Asheville in the wee hours and returns the same day. This bus may only make it to the traffic jam, but it will be worth it. The cost is $65 per person, no meals, no frills. That’s half what it would cost to make it in my chariot. Now, if you’re an entrepreneur, you could sell three sets in your sedan for $50 and make the trip for a profit of $30 to cover the oil change.

Maybe you would like to decorate your sedan so people know you’re part of the program. “Liberty or Bust,” would be too trite. Before the $65 deal came along, I was considering decorating my car to look like a big handbasket so people would know where I was going. I fantasized about a handbasket convoy . . . .

AFP is also hosting its November is Coming Rally in Asheville July 30, from 5:30-7:00 at the Biltmore Doubletree Hotel.