The comment in the title is from Dominique Beaudry, a social studies teacher at Jordan High School, who was interviewed by WUNC to discuss the education budget stalemate. I wouldn’t consider the story balanced, given that they did not speak to any teachers that question Cooper’s decision to veto the Republican budget.
Members of the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) and Red4EdNC share a collective, shockingly romanticized fantasy of a statewide public school teacher strike.
Some see their recent protests and grassroots organizing efforts as a precursor to a teacher strike that, they believe, would compel the General Assembly to give in to their demands for more money, people, and programs. That victory would serve as the basis for building a strong teacher union. Others first want to lay the groundwork for an old-school labor union that acquires collective bargaining rights and other privileges through legislative action and can pull the trigger on a strike at any time. Either way, I suspect that they are not representative of North Carolina’s 100,000+ district and charter school teachers.