That appears to be what happened today to hair braiders In what would seem like a simple bill, the House considers HB 291, Hair Braider Licensure/Cosmetic Art Act today on the floor.  The bill, sponsored by Rep Earline Parmon (D-Forsyth)  would impose new regulations with a new $10  licensing fee for hair braiders in North Carolina.  In an obvious attempt to strangulate, oops, regulate the hair braider industry, there is also a requirement of 300 hours of training before they could be certified to practice in NC. 

Rep Paul Stam (R-Wake)  has an amendment to change the 300 hours education  requirement to 35 hours.  Most states either don’t regulate or exempt hair braiders from any kind of regulation.  Texas requires 35 hours.  Current braiders are grandfathered in and don’t have to have any training. Cosmetic arts regulators oppose any changes.

Vote on amendment 56 – 56.  Amendment fails.

Stam presents a second amendment that says if braiders operate out of their home, they are exempt from the regulations.  Parmon opposes this one too.  Vote is 52 to 59. Amendment fails.

Vote on the bill – 73 yes; 39 no.