Via Facebook, Yes! Weekly editor Jeff Sykes alerts me to the interesting thread beneath this letter to the editor by Greensboro’s W.H. Nash in the N&R:

There is a disturbing trend developing in Greensboro that the City Council and city staff should explain.

Apparently, the new flavor of the month is “infill development,” where developers are given free rein to shoehorn inconsistent and inappropriate projects into established neighborhoods, the quality of life and property values of existing residents be damned……

Indeed there are many interesting comments beneath Mr. Nash’s letter, but one thing’s missing—city governments have long bought into the idea that urban sprawl is an evil that must be combated with infill development. And City Councils assume constituents believe this as well, until a developer comes along with a plan for a project within an existing neighborhood.

As long as city governments continue to buy into the notion that urban sprawl brings considerable costs to the health and environment, there were be more more infill development. Neighborhoods might as well prepare.