From Federal News Radio’s interview with IRS Commissioner John Koskinen comes his comments about the investigation into the IRS targeting of conservative nonprofits.
“We may be overly investigating the situation,” he said in an interview on In Depth with Francis Rose, noting that the agency already has implemented the recommendations of its inspector general. “I’ve had a series of 10 fun-filled hearings in the spring and summer.”
Sarcasm aside, Koskinen, as a former Senate aide, says he is a “big believer in congressional oversight” and that the IRS is trying to respond promptly to all the inquiries. He estimates that the agency has provided nearly a million documents to various committees.
“It is important for every taxpayer to feel comfortable that they’re going to get treated fairly,” he said. “Whomever they voted for, whatever organizations they belong to, whatever church they go to, they should be comfortable that if they hear from us, it’s because of something in their tax return, and if someone else had that issue, they’d hear from us as well.”
Koskinen says he’s hopeful that “before the end of the year, we’ll put most of this to rest.”
And like any good bureaucrat, Koskinen wants more money for the agency.