Carolina Journal’s Dan Way reports here on a school board disciplinary policy being considered by the Wake and Buncombe County school boards. The policy would allow the board to go after a member who acts in a way the others deem has put the system in a negative light. Here’s comment from Wake board member Deborah Prickett, a Republican on a Democrat-dominated board.

The Wake County policy, which was approved 5-3 on first reading Tuesday night, “came from the School Boards Association,” Prickett said. “They’re the one who tried to start putting this policy in school boards across the state.” The Wake County policy closely resembles the Buncombe proposal.

“I just think this policy seems to be more of a muzzle [rather than a way to enforce] ethics. If you read through the policy there’s not a lot of ethics to it,” Prickett said. She described the Wake policy as “a power grab” not based in law.

“It seems to be politically driven to me because now there are very few Republicans on the board. The election’s coming up” in November and majority Democrats could use the censure process to cast GOP board members in an unfavorable light to the voting public, Prickett said.
