An expression that I am tired of hearing is that ?this is no time to point fingers.? No, this is the time to point fingers, while the obvious failures and obvious culprits are fresh in people’s mind. The fact is we know what institution is responsible for the incredible breakdown that occurred in New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina. In fact, everyone who is pointing a finger right now, from Nancy Pelosi and Hilary Clinton to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hanitty are all pointing in the same direction-that is toward government and the socialist institutions that were responsible every step of the way. We are getting bogged down in the fact that each little corner of government-state, local, federal agencies, the congress, the executive branch-is pointing a finger and saying ?oh no, it wasn’t my little corner of government it was his or hers.? This obscures the reality, this was a massive failure of a single institution–government. As far as I know, no one is saying that the Red Cross has let anyone down or that the Salvation Army has been ignoring those in harms way. In fact, it is well known now that government agencies actually prevented these private institutions from effectively doing what they were ready, willing, and able to do.

Just to remind everyone, especially my conservative friends who think that just because GW is in charge that the Feds can do no wrong, this whole mess got started because of the of a levee that failed. This levee was owned and maintained by the Army Corp of Engineers-the federal government. Therefore, the irresponsibility of the Feds in effectively maintaining property they owned was the ultimate cause of this mess. Next came the local government owned Superdome whose roof came apart soaking everyone inside. Then came the local and state government police who failed to discharge their primary responsibility-protect personal and property rights. We could easily go on with this.

Just a reminder to any leftists who may have wandered on to the Locker Room this afternoon-this is the same institution that most of you think is most qualified to run our health care system.