A wacky lefty high school teacher urges the Peruvians and Bolivians
to bomb North Carolina to destroy the tobacco crops. No kidding! Go to this page and listen to the amazing audio.  His attacks on capitalism, America and President Bush are Kos-like
cliches. A student surreptitiously recorded this class session and it
has caused a firestorm in Colorado. Does this sound like classroom
instruction or a secular sermon? It’s obvious that the leftist
indoctrination doesn’t just happen in higher ed. These tie-dyed,
America-hating types are everywhere.

(via Michelle Malkin)

UPDATE: When I called this guy a tie-dyed America hater I hadn’t seen a picture of him. How right could I be?! Also, turns out he’s been put on leave. Just waiting for the ACLU to weigh in.