Writing for USA Today, Kirsten Powers discusses the Left’s embrace of silencing those with whom they disagree. The alarming actions of the Thought Police has been on vivid display with respect to the ouster of Mozilla’s CEO over his support of traditional marriage. Powers chronicles the second case.
Another incident of muzzling those without the proper worldview received less attention. Kickstarter, the nation’s biggest crowd-funding site,refused to accept a film about convicted abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell unless descriptions of his crimes were removed.
After producers Phelim McAleer and his wife, Ann McElhinney, complained publicly, embarrassed Kickstarter CEO Yancey Strickler claimed on Twitter that the allegation was false. Strickler released an e-mail accepting the Gosnell film, but failed to mention that it was accepted only after the filmmakers withdrew in frustration. The producers released e-mails from Kickstarter demanding that references to stabbing babies and “similar language” be removed. The “acceptance letter” came March 28, the day after the producers withdrew their proposal.
There was time when the Left and the Right found common ground in the support of free speech. No more, particularly when it comes to issues of culture and religious belief.
How sad — and alarming — it is for America.