More crying about money from the bureaucrats at Wake County Schools. And now the like-minded Democrat-controlled school board is looking to keep even more money in its fund balance, rather than return the excess back over to county taxpayers. As usual, for the status-quo Big Education establishment, the key issue is the money and the system. Wake County Commissioner Tony Gurley is having none of the maneuvering to keep even more surplus cash.

Tedesco added that it will probably create more divisions with county commissioners.

It did with Commissioner Tony Gurley, who has argued that the school board doesn’t need a fund balance.

“It’s a dishonest action by the school board,” Gurley said of the policy change in an interview. “They’re being very dishonest with the taxpayers. It’s fraudulent advertising as far as I’m concerned.”

Gurley said the school board should explain to the public that it’s not required by law to have a fund balance. He charged that the school board is overbudgeting to get more money from the county.