I think “Brownie” did pretty well facing his congressional accusers yesterday. Saw some of the replay last night and it had an Ollie North-Iran Contra committee quality to it. Former FEMA director Michael Brown didn’t back down,
even when questioned by the insufferable Chris Shays (R-Conn.), whose
photo is surely in the dictionary next to the word “popinjay.” My guess
is Brown’s act played better in flyover country than Shays’. Add to
that the growing realization that the proportions of the disaster were not as monstrous
as the out-of-control mainstream media led us to believe, and you have
all the makings of a quick revision of this recent history.

UPDATE: Jonah Goldberg’s column today, “Gale-Force  Exaggeration,” continues the quest for Katrina truth. Also, some comments regarding his column take it to another level.