Former EPA Administrator and New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman
just concluded her remarks a few minutes ago at Hill Hall on the campus
of UNC-Chapel Hill, where she spoke to a crowd about the growing
discontent those who consider themselves moderates have with the two
political parties. In an hour-long speech, Whitman discussed her
relationship with the Republican Party, how she is labeled as a
“Republican in Name Only,” and how both parties fight to hard to secure
their bases without reaching to the middle.
She also said that too many people are in politics to promote ideologies and not to seek compromises.
Here are some selected comments from the speech:
- On her political beliefs: “I wasn’t out to save people’s souls. I was out to make their lives better.”
- On the talk of “red” and blue states”: “We are made up of purple states.”
- Role of moderates in the 2004 election: “There are those who
dismiss moderates, but without moderates President Bush would be out of
office.” - On political litmus tests: “Shutting out someone you disagree with on one or two issues is a bad way of governing.”
- Being called a Rhino: “I’m not all that upset with being called a
Rhino. They have very thick skin and can be very fast when they get
moving.” - On joing the Democratic Party: “I wouldn’t fit well in the Democratic Party.”