The Meck Deck’s Jeff Taylor summarizes Rush Limbaugh’s first-hour analysis of the Wright-Obama-Moore Perdue ad. I heard the show, too (yeah, we’re all a bunch of ditto-robots at JLF — publisher Jon Ham was listening to Rush during our Monday meeting) and I don’t have much to add except that Rush wondered why John McCain was hanging state candidates out to dry.
It’s an easy answer — McCain’s just trying to be nice, which in turn is, well, nice. But you already know just how nice the Dems will be to McCain once the general campaign gets under way, which Dick Morris predicts will be mid-June, with Obama as the nominee. That’s the thing about the left — they’re all about being nice, except when someone’s standing in their way.
Update: Medved’s next. If he has anything interesting to say, I’ll let you know.
Update II: Commenter Fred Gregory sends me this video from “Blogs for John McCain.”