The Associated Press is reporting on Meg Scott Phipps’ release from federal prison today. The story makes several omissions, however. Let’s fill in the blanks by playing … Name That Party!

Here’s the article:

RALEIGH — The upcoming release of Meg Scott Phipps from a federal penitentiary in West Virginia after more than three years in prison largely will end a humbling chapter in North Carolina political history.


a. a Republican
b. a Whig
c. a Green Party member
d. a Democrat

pleaded guilty in 2003 to extorting illegal campaign contributions from carnival vendors seeking to influence the awarding of contracts at North Carolina state fairs when she was elected agriculture commissioner. …

Today, these federal probes almost are common with the guilty pleas of former U.S. Rep. Frank Ballance

a. a Republican
b. an Independent
c. a Reform Party member
d. a Democrat

and most recently, former House Speaker Jim Black. Black

a. a Republican
b. a Libertarian
c. a Communist
d. a Democrat

and two other associates

a. Republicans
b. Anarchists
c. Socialists
d. Democrats

await sentencing in the next months in a probe that has included acknowledgments of bribery, cash payments in bathrooms and hiding work for lottery vendors.

HT: Susan “the Source.”