Zooming around the net is “The One Book Meme Game.” (For explanation, follow this link.)

Frank Stephenson tagged me. Here goes:

1. One book that changed my life: I’ll go with Bastiat’s The Law, which superbly clarified the proper extent of government power.

2. One book I’ve read more than once: I have read Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson several times, each time finding excellent explanatory material to show why government intervention is harmful.

3. One book I’d want on a desert island: If it’s OK to name a set of books, I think I’d want Shelby Foote’s wonderful trilogy on the Civil War. It’s very long and very good.

4. One book that made me laugh: God Is My Broker by Christopher Buckley and John Tierney. Simply hilarious.

5. One book that made me cry: Robert Conquest’s Harvest of Sorrow. The inhumanity of the communist thugs is unbearable.

6. One book that I wish had been written: Easy — my own novel. I’ve had it thought through for years. Some day I hope to see piles of A Presidential Wife by George C. Leef for sale in airport bookstores. Selling fast, of course.

7. One book I wish had not been written: We would probably still be in our mega-state mess even if Keynes General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money hadn’t been written, but still I’m going to magic wand it away.

8. One book I’m currently reading: David Kirp’s Shakespeare, Einstein and the Bottom Line a book exploring the mania for growth and prestige in higher ed.

9. One book I’ve been meaning to read: Robert Reich’s little book Reason: Why Liberals Will Win the Battle for America. Haven’t found time yet to tear into that one. But watch out, Reich, when I do.

The rule is that I now get to tag five people to keep this going, so how about it John Hood, Roy Cordato, Jon Sanders, Joe Coletti, and Michael Sanera?