In addition to the debate about a proposed county sales tax increase, there was also an interesting discussion among Guilford County commissioners about the proposed $104 million jail.

Presenting a committee meeting report, Commissioner Skip Alston said alternative programs such as pre-trial services and the mental health court could help reduce the total county jail population by as many as 374 inmates. That would bring last week’s total of 783 inmates down to 409, which is 61 percent capacity. Alston added those estimates don’t even take into consideration other programs that might come on board to help reduce the inmate population.

Though Alston said later the report was a matter separate from the new jail because the programs will have an immediate positive impact, Commissioner Bruce Davis said the need for the jail was now greatly reduced:

“It’s very sad that we will say we’re totally committed to doing something to the point where when you find that you don’t need to do it, you’re committed in your mind that you have to carry it out. I hate that we have commissioners that are in that state of mind. “

But Chairman Paul Gibson made it quite clear the county was committed to the new jail. They just have to figure out a way to pay for it.