Controversial former FBI director James Comey was in Charlotte speaking at the Belk Theater at an event hosted by the Learning Society of Queens University. Here’s the Charlotte Observer write-up. Here’s what jumped out at me:
In a talk that centered on abstract concepts of leadership and the future of the American republic, Comey, who was appointed deputy attorney general by President George W. Bush, also drew plenty of laughs. He recounted the time that he he cracked his head on a door jamb in the White House situation room and spent a meeting with Bush trying to keep blood from running down his face, and admitted that at 6-foot-8-inches, he’s “kind of a freak show.”
And Comey recounted one of his final meetings with President Barack Obama, when it was decided Comey would have to brief then incoming-President Trump on a dossier the FBI had obtained which alleged Trump was filmed with prostitutes urinating in Moscow.
“President Obama does not say a word,” said Comey. “He raises and lowers both eyebrows, just once. In that moment, I heard, ‘You poor bastard.’
“I found it comforting and warm and kind of hilarious,” said Comey. “I walked out feeling a lot better.”
He connected leadership to humor, and said both Bush and Obama were quick to laugh at themselves. “I’ve actually never seen President Trump laugh or make a joke. I’m not being facetious,” said Comey.