Agar’s response:

… Both Edwards and Obama, as you point out, are the antithesis of freedom. What they both offer is a tunnel at the end of the light.

I laughed out loud (but not with any pleasure) when Elizabeth Edwards was introducing her husband for his New Hampshire wrap-up speech. She said, with no apparent irony, ?You never get anything you don?t work for.?

How did the woman miss the entire theme of her husband?s campaign?

To be fair, she may have thought that the Edwards? theme this election cycle was ?All We Are Saying is Give Hate a Chance.? I heard via the grapevine that Edwards picked up liberals in New Hampshire when he let it slip that he thought the state slogan should be ?Live Free; At Someone Else?s Expense.?

Obama, on the other hand, offers change and hope. Or hope and change. Or hope with change. Or … oh, stop thinking about it and just vote for the nice man! Hope for the best. …

Stay tuned.