As 2013 wound down and 2014 began, statewide media outlets sought out John Locke Foundation experts for analysis of the past year’s major stories and predictions of the major items likely to generate headlines in the new year. Vice President for Outreach Becki Gray joined President John Hood to discuss major 2013 developments in North Carolina during the year-end edition of the N.C. Spin syndicated television program. Both Gray and Hood also discussed the year’s top state political stories on the New Year’s Eve edition of Time Warner Cable News’ “Capital Tonight.” Hood returned to “Capital Tonight” on New Year’s Day to discuss key issues likely to surface in 2014. Hood also served as guest host this week for Bill LuMaye on Talk Radio WPTF.
Speaking of LuMaye’s program, Carolina Journal Managing Editor Rick Henderson discussed liberal groups’ State Capitol protests and upcoming North Carolina elections during an appearance with guest host C. Edmund Wright. JLF Director of Communications Mitch Kokai appeared with guest host Demetri Ravanos on Talk Radio WPTF’s morning program to discuss recent polls on congressional disapproval and the prospects for a presidential race between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Chris Christie. WPTF used Kokai’s comments about the presidential race in its newscasts.
Kokai filled in for Gray last week in delivering twice-weekly political and public policy updates on Johnston County’s WTSB Radio, while Gray returned to that regular schedule this week. Kokai made a midweek appearance with WTSB’s Carl Lamm to discuss North Carolina’s major 2014 elections and the implementation of the federal Affordable Care Act. Kokai discussed recent state government developments with Curtis Wright this morning on Wilmington’s WMYT Radio.