When state lawmakers and the governor’s office ended their haggling and announced a final deal on tax reform for North Carolina, News 14 Carolina’s statewide “Capital Tonight” program called on John Locke Foundation Vice President for Outreach Becki Gray for expert analysis of the plan. Gray also discussed tax reform during a legislative update for an Americans for Prosperity audience in Wilmington. Gray shared her legislative insights with Henry Hinton’s audience on WTIB Radio and during her semiweekly appearances on WTSB.

A news release from Gov. Pat McCrory’s office took note of Carolina Journal Associate Editor Barry Smith‘s article compiling expert reaction to the tax reform plan. N.C. Senate Republicans also promoted that article, along with Smith’s earlier story highlighting the tax plan’s details. The group Americans for Prosperity featured Smith’s tax reform article on its website.

GOP senators highlighted JLF President John Hood‘s column explaining that tax reform represents one piece of a broader plan designed to boost the North Carolina economy. Senators promoted Hood’s column comparing competing claims about the potential benefits of tax reform for North Carolina households. A Lenoir News-Topic editorial cited Hood’s earlier column on the link between tax reform and the state’s business climate.

NCPoliticalNews.com cited Director of Fiscal Policy Studies Sarah Curry‘s research newsletter focusing on the tax reform deal.