The Charlotte Observer sought John Locke Foundation President John Hood‘s expert analysis of local governments’ pursuit of sales tax increases in addition to the traditional reliance on property tax revenue. picked up that story. A Greensboro News & Record editorial cited Hood’s assessment of targeted tax incentives. N.C. Senate Republicans promoted in their daily press emails Hood’s columns on the difference between unaffiliated and “swing” voters and positive reforms within the University of North Carolina system.

Based on reporting from Carolina Journal Executive Editor Don Carrington, the Burke County commissioners have asked the state attorney general to investigate real-estate activities linked to developer Ray Hollowell. The Morganton Herald reported on the Burke commissioners’ request.

Carolina Plotthound promoted as its lead story earlier this week CJ Associate Editor Dan Way‘s article about the potential statewide impact of a lawsuit challenging rules governing conduct inside North Carolina’s legislative complex. N.C. Senate Republicans highlighted Way’s report on concerns surrounding North Carolina’s influx of illegal-immigrant minors. The Mercatus Center’s “Neighborhood Effects” blog cited Associate Editor Barry Smith‘s article on a vote against corporate welfare in the N.C. General Assembly.

The Laurinburg Exchange published JLF Senior Fellow Marc Rotterman‘s CJ column on Democrats’ efforts to distance themselves from President Obama during the 2014 election campaign. The News & Observer cited the John Locke Foundation in an article about state municipal broadband restrictions and in a column referencing outgoing state budget director Art Pope’s role in JLF’s founding.

A Randolph Guide column noted JLF assessments of recent positive North Carolina economic news. (Already we have witnessed a decrease in our unemployment numbers, and the Locke Foundation says we have greatly improved our business climate among the states from 44th to 17th.)

The N.C. Spin website and N.C. Senate Republicans promoted Vice President for Outreach Becki Gray‘s CJ column on recent state education reforms. Gray also offered the N.C. Spin site analysis of this week’s U.S. Senate debate. Gray continues twice-weekly politics and public policy updates on WTSB Radio, including a Labor Day appearance.

Director of Communications Mitch Kokai discussed trends in North Carolina’s U.S. Senate race with Chapel Hill’s Daily Tar Heel. Kokai discussed state government developments with Curtis Wright on WMYT Radio. A New Bern Sun Journal article about a new slavery-related exhibit at a local history center referenced the N.C. History Project.