The Winston-Salem Journal interviewed John Locke Foundation President John Hood for an article about the impact of recent state unemployment changes. The Greensboro News & Record also published that article. The News & Observer published a liberal analyst’s column questioning Hood’s recent Wall Street Journal article about the impact of unemployment benefit changes on North Carolina’s economy. (The N&O did not publish Hood’s previously issued dissection of multiple flaws in the liberal analyst’s arguments.) N.C. Senate Republicans’ daily press email promoted Hood’s column setting out potential terms of a state budget deal.
Director of Education Outreach Lindalyn Kakadelis discussed this week’s vote on Common Core legislation with Lockwood Phillips on WTKF Radio and with Lisa Miller on WFAE Radio. Kakadelis discussed the impact of the Common Core legislation during a panel discussion sponsored by the “Will Of The People” group in Rockingham County.
Vice President for Outreach Becki Gray offered a legislative update for Henry Hinton’s listeners on WTIB Radio. Gray continues her twice-weekly politics and public policy updates for WTSB Radio. Director of Communications Mitch Kokai discussed state education standards for Time Warner Cable News’ statewide “Capital Tonight” program. Kokai highlighted the week’s top state government news for Curtis Wright on WMYT Radio.
Jim Geraghty of National Review promoted on National Review Online’s blog, “The Campaign Spot,” his upcoming July 28 speech to JLF’s Shaftesbury Society.