Two JLF staff members hosted state radio shows last Friday. Chad Adams, CLI Director and Vice President of Development, hosted the Matt Mittan show WWNC – 570 in Asheville, while Donna Martinez and her husband Rick hosted the Bill LuMaye show in Raleigh. Jon Ham, Chad Adams, and Donna Martinez,
invited by Cary Academy to discuss ethics in journalism, politics, and
business, left a lasting impression with the student body. The
host said of the event, “it was one of the best lectures ever put on by
the [school’s] National Honor Society.” And Marc Rotterman,
at a more expansive venue, will be moderating a panel on “Iraq,
Immigration, Corruption & the Coming Elections.” The CPAC
panel will include: Michael Barone of U.S. News & World Report (who will be joining us in Charlotte on the 7th of March), Dick Wadhams, Chief-of-Staff to Senator George Allen (VA), and John Gizzi of Human Events.
JLF Voices Pressing Issues