JLF’s Don van der Vaart appeared on the Pat McCrory Show on WBT Radio. Dr. van der Vaart went on the show to speak with the former governor about the Carolina Journal exclusive story on the Cooper family’s solar farm property.
The story reports Gov. Roy Cooper and his brother, Pell Coope, own a property named Nash County Solar Farm which they lease out to Strata Solar. Originally, the property was under both Roy and Pell’s name, but in 2012, the brothers created an LLC, Will Clark Properties, to which ownership of the property was transferred. Roy and Pell were then listed as “managers” of the LLC. According to van der Vaart:
“Over a course of these six or so years, that property keeps changing hands supposedly to try to make it look as if the Cooper brothers don’t actually have an interest in solar.”
However, when a court opinion was released in December 2018, Pell was advised to switch the property manager role over to someone else. From there, van der Vaart says:
“[Pell Cooper] gives [the property] to his wife Meredith. Interestingly enough, however, the post office box where I suppose the payments are going is still near Roy’s old home in Cameron Park.”
As Carolina Journal reporter Don Carrington reported in the original piece:
The Nash County Tax Office lists Will Clark Properties’ mailing address as P.O. Box 12181, Raleigh, NC, 27605, located at the Cameron Village Post Office. It is the same address Gov. Cooper has used in the past. Pell and Meredith Cooper live in Rocky Mount.
Listen to Don van der Vaart’s comments starting at 25:00 here. Read the original story here.