As we continue to recover so fast we cannot stand it, Haywood County’s Hunger-Free campaign has announced that it still needs donations of food. 16% of the general population and 30% of children are food-insecure. For those not hip with the vernacular, the World Health Organization defines food security as having food availability, access, and use. In other words, one must have one’s cake and eat it, too. Only 4% of the population is on food stamps.

It is necessary to comment somewhat on equal-time. I observe almost daily some news article about hunger, joblessness, plant closings, etc. In any economy, the poor will always be among us, some people will change jobs, and businesses will rise and fall. The question is, am I picking and choosing headlines, or merely a victim of headlines by evil corporate moguls who want to perpetuate myths about a sagging economy? To wit, how many headlines have you read lately about rich people gorging themselves on too much food, or private-sector entrepreneurs starting up huge enterprises without government funding?