The Winston-Salem Journal editorializes:
The public legacy of Winston-Salem’s only Medal of Honor winner will now be preserved if the city sells the Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum to Wake Forest University. City officials and Wake Forest officials deserve credit for hearing the public loud and clear on this important issue.
…As we’ve said before, selling the coliseum, as well as Bowman Gray Stadium, makes sense. City officials estimate the value to the city over 20 years would be $30 million when considering the elimination of operating deficits and repairs along with the income from the sales…..
Lot of talk about Greenboro envy down Interstate 40 –W-S had to have a downtown baseball stadium of its own, but unlike Gboro, put the taxpayers on the hook. Now Gboro leaders can look west and figure out a way to somehow privatize its coliseum. Correct me if I’m wrong, but there hasn’t been a lot of talk about that lately with the proposed downtown PAC and all.
Speaking of which —surprise (or not) —- private commitments toward the PAC to take the burden off taxpayers have never been ‘firm.’