In an article that otherwise offers a relatively sympathetic portrayal of the Wisconsin protesters? arguments, Bloomberg Businessweek?s Drake Bennett nonetheless offers a portrayal of protesters that hardly suggests a group of hard-working public servants:
Within the Capitol, ? protesters chanted, sang, played drums, deployed yogic oms, and ? though few gave the impression of being gainfully employed ? conducted long conversations about the sanctity of workers’ rights. There were about 60 holdouts camped out on the ground floor, mostly in their late teens or twenties. Many were unkempt and unshaven, but comfortably so, as if they usually looked that way. Some wore pajamas, others had inked hash-marks onto their arms for each day they’d passed there?a few had gotten up to 17. None had left the building since the weekend. They talked about staying until the 14 Senate fugitives returned, though it was unclear whether that would be a sign of victory or defeat.