Not content to disagree with Gov. Sarah Palin’s views, columnist Kathleen Parker takes the anti-Palin attacks to a new low by writing that Sen. McCain chose the governor as his running mate because he has a crush on her. Evidently Parker thinks Gov. Palin’s experience as an oil and gas commissioner, mayor, and governor had no impact.
The insult to John and Cindy McCain aside, this pathetic, “mean-girl” attack on a sitting governor harkens back to high school, when the popular clique of mean girls savages the girl they’ve decided doesn’t measure up to clique standards. They gleefully set out to humiliate and degrade her.
Some mean girls grow up to realize their attacks were rooted in their own insecurities, not the girl who was their target. But Parker’s column illustrates that some mean girls turn into mean women.
No matter the outcome of this election, I will remember it for the rise of the embarrassingly transparent mean woman.