Sen. Kay Hagan’s heels on the ground strategy in her tough Senate campaign against state House Speaker Thom Tillis:
Nowhere is the courtship of unmarried women as intense as in North Carolina, where Senator Kay Hagan, a Democrat struggling for a second term, recently has shown gains even in a Republican poll. Midway through a recent Saturday of campaigning, she described her mobilization strategy: “Heels on the ground.”
Among those ground troops is Emma Akpan, an unmarried 28-year-old graduate of Duke Divinity School, who works to register voters but said she understood why so many single women are hard to reach. In an election without presidential candidates and the news media attention they draw, Ms. Akpan said, many women busy with jobs and perhaps children see no point in voting.
“If I wasn’t doing this work,” she conceded, “I probably wouldn’t pay attention either.”
Hey dudes, try an experiment —when you’re making the scene this long Fun 4th weekend chat up the ladies on the Senate race and see where the conversation goes.