Former Sen. Kay Hagan speaks during the Rotary Club of Greensboro’s luncheon, with none other than N&R editor and publisher Jeff “Grits” on the story.

The theme of Hagan’s speech? The evil of big money in politics:

Hagan said the rich, through their donations to candidates and super PACs, have had greater negative influence on politics and governance than have lobbyists.

She said the fix is to end the influence that exceptionally rich people have on the nation’s governance thanks to their ability to contribute big sums of cash secretly to candidates and members of Congress.

No mention of the fact that Hagan outspent opponent Thom Tillis in what was certainly one of the most expensive Senate races in history, if the most expensive. Hagan had plenty of big money guys and gals in her camp, believe you me. If you don’t believe me, take it from none other than the Washington Post.

Liberals like Hagan will tell you that they’re only playing by the rules as written, with the ultimate goal of getting elected so they can do everything they promise to make our lousy lives wonderful again, with government’s help.