John Locke Foundation analysts continue to offer their expertise as media outlets cover developments inside the Legislative Building. Fiscal Policy Analyst Joseph Coletti is scheduled to appear this evening on UNC Television’s “Legislative Week in Review,” discussing possible social service cuts and other ideas considered for plugging the state budget’s hole. Coletti also contributed a statement this week to WCTI Television for a story about stimulus money being used for a road project tied to the Global TransPark in Kinston. (This is clearly not a project to improve the general welfare but is a federal pork project under the guise of stimulus. State government benefits by pushing off $64 million to the federal government. Federal government benefits by distributing money through states and so defer accountability.) Speaking of federal involvement in state government projects, The August Review published Carolina Journal contributor Karen McMahan‘s report about the potentially unconstitutional nature of the federal bailout of states. On another state government front, JLF Legal and Regulatory Policy Analyst Daren Bakst‘s efforts to warn North Carolinians about potential annexation abuses moved forward this week, as the Greensboro News & Record published his latest op-ed on annexation reform efforts. Meanwhile, Vice President for Outreach Becki Gray joined WWNC radio host Matt Mittan Thursday for a legislative roundup.
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