A free and just society should not allow the powerful to kill the vulnerable, whether the vulnerable is unborn, newborn, sick, or elderly.

Now Kermit Gosnell will spend the rest of his life in prison, having asked for and received the mercy he routinely denied to unborn and newborn babies.

Dr. Kermit Gosnell, 72, waived his right to appeal in exchange for a sentence of life without parole. Gosnell was convicted Monday of first-degree murder in a case that became a flashpoint in the nation’s abortion debate.

Former clinic employees testified that Gosnell routinely performed illegal abortions past Pennsylvania’s 24-week limit, that he delivered babies who were still moving, whimpering or breathing, and that he and his assistants dispatched the newborns by “snipping” their spines, as he referred to it.

It is my hope that the Kermit Gosnell case will force people to look in the mirror and wonder why so many in our society condone monstrous acts of cruelty, all under the guise of “women’s health.”