Larry Kudlow‘s latest column posted at the Daily Caller shares his skepticism about Hillary Clinton’s excuses for using private email.

So Hillary says she didn’t break any White House or State Department rules. I don’t think that defense will fly. And the homemade server, created for messages between Bill and Hillary, is an absolute non-starter. Apparently Bill has only sent two e-mails in his life — and neither of them to Hillary.

There’s also a dog-ate-my-homework quality to this Clinton episode, with Hillary saying: Sorry, I deleted the remaining 30,000 or so e-mails, so I just can’t show them to you.

But those e-mails are out there in some cloud, or in some hard drive, or somewhere else. And Hillary has plainly stonewalled any proposals to have an independent counsel cull through the remaining e-mails.

Frankly, I don’t believe any part of that story — how many e-mails she sent to the State Department, or how many are left. Just not credible.

And this whole deletion thing is so Nixonian. Remember Rose Mary Woods and those mistakenly erased 18-or-so minutes of Watergate tape? Is it possible that Hillary is Nixon’s political daughter, or at least his niece?

And then there’s the business about the Secret Service monitoring security threats from cyberspace hacking. Just doesn’t fly. How do we know? Is the Secret Service going to issue a press release? Do we really believe they were involved in Hillary’s homemade server in Chappaqua?
