National Center for Policy Analysis has the details here.
Teachers who enter the profession through an alternative certification program are just as effective in the classroom as those who take a traditional route, according to the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA), which released its findings earlier this month after reviewing national data related to teacher certification and test scores.
Pitt County (N.C.) Schools Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Delilah Harris said 216 of about 1,600 Pitt County teachers have either completed requirements for lateral entry, the most common form of alternative certification, or they are still working to fulfill them. Harris said the NCPA’s conclusion isn’t that surprising because the success of teachers depends more on the individual than the certification program they completed.
Let’s repeat that last line. The success of teachers depends more on the individual than the certification program they completed. Now it’s time for the state to listen to human resources folk and scale back the state’s medieval certification requirements.