• Kyle Trygstad at RealClearPolitics.com writes that N.C.’s 8th Congressional District match is one to watch.
  • U.S. Rep. Bob Etheridge’s opponent, Renee Ellmers, said she felt ?pity? for the 2nd Congressional District Democrat after a video of him manhandling a student emerged.
  • The Washington Post highlights a Harold Johnson video ripping Nancy Pelosi. Johnson is the Republican candidate in the 8th Congressional District against incumbent Democrat Larry Kissell.
  • Speaking of the Kissell-Johnson match-up, it’s getting more national attention, this time from TownHall.com.
  • Eager for a rematch? A Civitas poll shows 2008 GOP gubernatorial candidate Pat McCrory leading Gov. Bev Perdue 46-37 percent if the election were held today. McCrory lost to Perdue 50-47 percent in ?08.
  • Another Civitas poll finds similar standing for Richard Burr and Kay Hagan in voters’ minds. There’s a big difference, though: Burr is up for election this year. Hagan isn’t.
  • Almost one-fourth of registered voters in North Carolina are now unaffiliated.
  • Former Steve Henion foe Brian Tinga joins his debate preparation team. Henion is the GOP nominee to face Democrat Grier Martin in N.C. House District 34.