• North Carolina Reps. Mike McIntyre (7th District) and Larry Kissell (8th District) were two of 19 Democrats to join Republicans in a vote extending the Bush tax cuts completely.
• Patsy Keever, Democratic nominee for the 10th Congressional District, sends a letter to supporters linking incumbent Rep. Patrick McHenry to the Koch Brothers.
• The latest Rasmussen Reports poll gives Mitt Romney a 5-point lead over President Obama in North Carolina.
• The conservative group Concerned Women for America will bring a bus tour to North Carolina Monday and Tuesday, hoping to register voters for the election. Stops are scheduled in Wilmington, Greenville, Raleigh, Greensboro, Charlotte, and Asheville.
• A new Obama campaign ad airing in North Carolina and several other states says Romney’s tax plan would raise taxes on the middle class and cut taxes on the wealthy.