I’ve decided to give Locker Room readers a regular regimen of links to key news stories about the 2008 governor’s race in North Carolina. It’s all about encouraging North Carolinians to cast informed votes, as I discussed in a recent column that also includes links to handy media sources and each candidate’s website.

So here is today’s gaggle of Google:

Speaking in New Bern, Beverly Perdue promotes regional solutions to growth-related issues.

Pat McCrory discusses his campaign and education issues with the Daily Tar Heel.

Also in the DTH, Bob Orr argues for the value of his judicial experience.

In the same package, Bill Graham touts his gas-tax campaign as evidence of effectiveness.

Fred Smith talks about the drought and addressing issues in Western NC.

Experience in the state?s executive branch is a selling point for governor, says Richard Moore.

Mike Munger weighs in on the Perdue-Moore ad war.