? Beverly Perdue, Pat McCrory, and Michael Munger release health information to the press, and all three are free from major medical problems. McCrory is on hand in Boone to help cut the ribbon for a new GOP headquarters in Watauga County. He sounds his ?change the culture of corruption? message.
? News & Observer editor John Drescher lights into Mike Easley for dodging public accountability and warns the next governor, whoever he or she may be, not to follow Easley’s example.
? During a campaign swing Down East, Kay Hagan repeats the line that if Jesse Helms was Senator No, Elizabeth Dole is ?Senator Nowhere.? She also discusses energy and education. In a Rocky Mount appearance, she emphasizes veterans issues. In Snow Hill, she talks rural health care. In Washington, the theme is economic development.
? In a radio interview, Dole pitches solutions to the gas-price spike. A Bush administration official credits her for helping to fund programs combating homelessness in the state.