? Elizabeth Dole is among several embattled incumbents who face a difficult vote on the federal financial bailout, reports the Wall Street Journal (a media organization that, it’s fair to say, is really owning this story, both in the news and editorial pages). The New York Times points out that Sens. Dole, Chuck Hagel, and John Sunnunu tried to rein in the government-back mortgage agencies years ago but were rebuffed by most of the Washington establishment.

? The latest Rasmussen survey puts Kay Hagan up three and Obama up two in North Carolina. The Carolina Peacemaker talks with audience members at a recent Greensboro rally with Michelle Obama and Hagan. Bob Dole makes several Piedmont campaign stops for his wife.

? Louis Sewell, a fundraiser for Mike Easley and Beverly Perdue, resigns his post on the Board of Transportation after a News & Observer expose of personal and business conflicts on some of his BOT votes. Sewell admits he should have recused himself. Easley agrees. The Perdue campaign says she favors reconsidering the role of the BOT. McCrory continues to press the attack.

? Asheville’s WLOS-TV removes an ad from the Republican Governors Association that cites dated information in its criticism of Perdue’s fiscal record. But more independent expenditures are on the way, including a new RGA ad against Perdue and a Democratic Governors Association ad against McCrory.