Eric O’Keefe explains for the Washington Examiner how Wisconsin offers a lesson that should lead to the end of special counsel Robert Mueller‘s investigation into Russian collusion.
Disturbing revelations now appearing in special counsel Robert Mueller’s “dirty dossier” investigation of President Trump bring to mind a similar case in which political differences were criminalized and partisan prosecutors spied on Americans.
Remember the notorious “John Doe” prosecutions in Wisconsin some years back? You may recall headlines from Wisconsin in September 2011 like this: “FBI Seizes Items From Home of Former Top [Gov. Scott] Walker Aide.” During that shameful episode, newspaper reporters somehow knew to arrive for a dawn raid on the home of Cindy Archer. The raid damaged Archer’s reputation and produced no evidence whatsoever of wrongdoing. It occurred six months after Republican Gov. Scott Walker signed historic labor union reforms into law, and one month after multiple recall elections failed to flip the state senate to Democratic control.
That original John Doe investigation morphed into another such investigation, and I risked jail time in order to expose the abuses. And I would still sit in jail if that would erase the traumatic memories of children awakened by flak-vested, gun-toting agents. The pain on the faces of parents unable to keep their own homes safe from invasion remains seared in my mind. Who do you call when the armed invaders have badges? And how do you treat trauma when you are told to tell no one what happened? …
… The parallels to today’s “dirty dossier” investigations are striking.