I suspect George Leef will appreciate Joseph Lindsley’s new article in the Daily Standard.

Lindsley suggests that college students might benefit more from the university experience if they hang out and socialize while staying away from the classes.

Swarthmoreans have to wait until next year to feast on “The Whole Enchilada: Debates in World History,” but right now they can take “Engendering Culture” where they’re supposed to learn how “culture is constructed and reconstructed to replicate gender roles,” by studying “New York night life and John Wayne movies and the masculine West.” It’s unclear how this differs from spending a semester chilling in the Big Apple and eating cheetos in front of the tube. 

And I have no doubt that Jon Sanders will appreciate the following:

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill offers a philosophy class on “sports and competition.” This isn’t a traditionally academic discipline, but it might be more rigorous than “Intro to Gay and Lesbian Literature.” And why go to “Courtship” class, when you could go courting on Franklin Street and have real-life success?

I just wish the line about Swarthmore hadn’t put the song “Creeque Alley” in my head. I’ll be humming that tune all day.