Clarice Feldman writes for the American Thinker about the political left’s misuse of the coronavirus pandemic.
The not-so-great notion in recent years, in my view, has been that of the ruling elites of the western nations now heading for political suicide. They seized upon the unknown consequences of the new and fast-spreading Wuhan virus for political gain. They used it to exceed their constitutional powers — locked down their citizens and demanded compliance with various vaccine mandates and treatment protocols and then clung on to those powers long after the deleterious effect of those mandates exceeded the virus’s harm. Never, to my knowledge, has any country before this quarantined the healthy along with the sick. Never. …
… Never to my knowledge has the public health establishment so ruined its own credibility. Doubt me? Look to our own country for a prime and early example: The CDC endorsing lockdowns while cheering on the BLM protests. It was, in short, a clear example of the political nature of the public health establishment’s pronouncements. It has seriously damaged them, and I hope they suffer the consequences with a sharply reduced budget and a clear restriction of their activities, if not an abolition of the agency altogether. …
… But there is more. Besides scaring the dickens out of people about the virus, the left used it to undo sensible election integrity procedures, benefit big box and online merchandisers to the determent of smaller businesses, and close schools and force masks on children to satisfy the teachers unions who were only too happy to get paid for not working. The strictures were not terribly onerous to the gentry class that now supports the Democrats, but it was ordinary working people who suffered. It was they who manned the nursing homes and hospitals, supplied stores and customers who were able to work at home online. The deleterious political, economic, and psychic consequences — increased suicides and drug abuse in children, for one — of these moves grew every day.