promoted Carolina Journal Executive Editor Don Carrington‘s report on the State Board of Elections investigating a top Democratic state lawmaker, along with Associate Editor Dan Way‘s report on Gov. Pat McCrory’s reaction to illegal-immigrant minors in North Carolina and Becki Gray’s column about the latest legislative session resembling a family fight. The N.C. Spin website and N.C. Senate Republicans also highlighted Gray’s column.
The Senate GOP also noted Associate Editor Barry Smith‘s article on a Department of Health and Human Services audit, along with Way’s reports on state pension funding, the political implications of the end of this year’s legislative session, and McCrory’s illegal immigration concerns. promoted Way’s articles on pension funding and the end of the legislative session.
The Kernersville News published Publisher Jon Ham‘s column on media outlets’ improper reliance on press releases. A Randolph Guide column began with a reference to Carolina Journal. (On my desk I keep a cartoon from the April 2010 Carolina Journal (the John Locke Foundation). It shows Reagan on the left saying, “Government is not the solution to the problem. It IS the problem.” On the right is Barack Obama saying, “Government is the solution to every problem.” Reagan was right, and, as usual, Obama was dead wrong.)
Among other items of interest, an article and editorial column in the Forest City Daily Courier referenced local communities’ grades on the John Locke Foundation’s website. An Associated Press article on state budget director Art Pope‘s plan to leave that job next month referenced Pope’s role in founding and funding the John Locke Foundation.