A bill to honor the memory of the late Sen. Robert Holloman, who was the chosen successor to convicted former state Sen. Frank Ballance,
has been filed. You can read the many whereases in the bill that are
given as a reason to commemorate his excellency, but thanks to Carolina
Journal’s Don Carrington we are able to add a few more distinguished

Whereas, Pastor Robert Holloman gave Sen. Ballance a $4,000 political contribution after the lawmaker’s nonprofit gave Holloman’s church $70,000 in state funds for unexplained reasons, and

Whereas, a Robert Holloman, Jr. contributed $500 to Sen. Ballance’s campaign in 2002, even though no such person exists, and

Whereas, the late Sen. Holloman’s wife Velma served on the board of directors of Sen. Ballance’s nonprofit organization, even though its conflict of interest policy prohibited such an association, and

Whereas, Sen. Ballance secured at least $175,000 in other public funds for Holloman’s projects and purposes, and

Whereas, Sen. Holloman needed an outsider to tell him, “It is my understanding that we have not done anything illegal or wrong,” and

Whereas, Sen. Holloman failed to (before he died) provide a
“full accounting” of public funds his church was given despite his
promise to do so, and

Whereas, Sen. Holloman failed to file tax returns for his own nonprofit organization and also did not file financial statements with the Joint Legislative
Commission on Governmental Operations and the State Auditor?s Office as
state law requires; Now therefore

Let the honor among thieves proceed! Can’t wait to read the list of whereases for Jim Black.