This Washington Examiner editorial puts forth an excellent idea that would shine the light on the federal budget’s crisis of spending and borrowing. Let’s engage in a real-world example of the marketplace of ideas and see who wants to engage in substantive discussion and who wants to obfuscate and campaign for re-election.


So, not only do we repeat our previous admonition to Obama and leaders of both parties in Congress to suspend all recesses, foreign junkets and campaigns for re-election, we also believe it’s time to bring the budget negotiations out from behind Washington’s closed doors into the sunlight. Let Senate and House leaders appoint their respective negotiators, then meet with Obama, with the C-SPAN cameras rolling, and keep on meeting until they reach an agreement. We’re confident such a broadcast will be among the most widely watched ever, and the American people will definitively see who among the negotiators understands the country’s problems and what must be done to solve them. Like old Judge Brandeis said, “sunlight is the best disinfectant.”