The Simpsons“:

Annoyed, Homer chases the vermin to a hole in the wall next to a door labeled “Milking Room”. Walking inside expecting to see a room full of cows, he is shocked to find rats everywhere, each one attached to a system of hoses that sucks the milk out of their bellies, draining it into a large bucket labeled “Springfield Elementary”.

Homer: [gasps] Crap on a crust! [running away] Aaah! They’re milking rats! Milking rats!


Paul McCartney’s estranged wife has accused consumers of meat and dairy products of fuelling global warming, as she launched a vegan campaign at London’s famous Speaker’s Corner.

Heather Mills, who is engaged in an increasingly bitter divorce battle with the former Beatle, suggested people could drink the milk of rats or cats, rather than milking cows.

Viva, an animal rights campaign group, claims dairy and meat products are major causes of greenhouse gases.