The House Judiciary II committee is considering the bill that would enact a moratorium on involuntary annexation until June 30, 2009. According to the bill, no involuntary annexation could be initiated during the moratorium period.
There is some confusion about how many involuntary annexations are currently pending. There are suggestions that some cities are rushing to start the annexation process before the moratorium is initiated.
Arguments are being made that no municipalities are so desperate for money that they can’t hold off during the moratorium period.
Several property owners gave impassioned pleas to the committee with tales of annexation abuse.
Representatives from Greensboro and Charlotte spoke out against the moratorium, citing harm to economic development. Planning Association representatives said that planners need these tools to make their growth viable. Local planners will do their own study if abuses are found. Overall, they argue that they can’t see any benefit from a moratorium.
Discussion continued throughout the meeting and will be taken up again next Tuesday.
No vote was taken today.
Chairman Blue asked staff to look at if anybody is doing the process correctly, as the legislature directed.